Monday, 28 February 2011

Australian Jacks

This recipe doesn't originate with my Great Aunt as the hand writing is very different and on a tiny piece of ruled paper tucked into her cookbook.
I have no idea why these are called Australian Jacks but the recipe is similar to the Flapjack so it cant be all that bad.

Australian Jack

4oz butter
4oz brown sugar
8oz rolled oats
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

Put the butter in saucepan - melt - add sugar - mix well - add bicarbonate of soda and beat well till frothy - add oats - stir well till quite mixed - put roughly into shallow greased tin and bache in moderate oven 20 - 25 minutes.
Let it cool in front of fire and eat in squares when nearly cold.
The cooking brown sugar, butter and bicarbonate smells like honeycomb and goes that delicious light honey brown colour. Once the oats are mixed in and the mix is in the oven, the smell is almost unbearable! The 20 minutes felt like forever but they did come to an end eventually.
Now the recipe asked me to put the tray next to the fire to cool so that's what I did but I am not sure that it is that important - so if you don't have a fire don't worry too much!
They turned out pretty wonderfully - light biscuits that are less chewy than the usual flapjack but the brown sugar makes them really scrumptious!
